Sunday, February 19, 2006

Making-of "Dandy's Inferno"

If you cannot comprehend this "behind-the-scenes" clip, good. That means everything is working just as it should. Do not kick the computer out of frustration. This'll probably be the last installment of the Dandy's Inferno film for a while. I'm going to put it on DVD this year, cleaned up with an added commentary track. It'll be a real stone Geritopia gas.

Meanwhile, there's other bottom-feeder cultural stuff waiting in the pipeline.


Joey Polanski said...

Sountrack o nitemares!

Anonymous said...

You have completely subverted the concept of DVD "extras". Congratulations!

Dandy Fan

Cocovan said...

But I was able to understand every word.........
And I have to disagree on some of the points made, But over all I agree........

Geritopia said...

It goes something like this: "Like two boys playing in the sand. Ideas were constructed from anonymous sources and pieced together in a vat of (???)-(???). It took five thousand-sixty-thousand in a bough g'morning. During this process, the (???) -the tube. The tube was removed, and then five thousand ladders were extracted from the boob of time. [sound of a fly buzzing follows] (???)-(???) -- toot-toot-mommy, etc. ... [drip, meow, drip]."

I hope that clears up any speculation, as it has nothing to do with more clues of Paul McCartney's death in the 60s.

Joey Polanski said...

Im scairder than I was, but probly not as scaird as Im a-gonna be.

Geritopia said...

oh c'mon joey, like you haven't already said the lines from the narration to yourself millions of times!