Friday, June 02, 2006

Nostalgic for Quicksand

A friend recently pointed out that there aren't enough movies featuring quicksand these days. "What ever happened to quicksand?", he pleaded. Indeed, this is an insightful question if ever there was one --one that points to some sort of corrupting cultural shift. Have we all become too cynical for quicksand?

Quoting now from data stolen from another blog: "According to some new studies, instead of slowly sinking to your death, quicksand victims will actually float once they get about waist deep. Quicksand is a mixture of fine sand, clay and saltwater. Once agitated, the mixture transforms from a loose packing of sand on top of water into a dense, liquid soup. Moving around just makes things worse so the advice is: Stay calm and eventually you'll float your way to safety. Stretch out on your back and just wait for your legs to pop free."

As you can see, we live in a very smug world where quicksand has been reduced to something that can be out-smarted by rational thought. But one has to wonder, where has the romance gone? What about the eroticism of seeing the female form being pulled from quicksand? This is the real agenda behind why I'm very pro-quicksand. Let's hear it for quicksand!

Yeah Quicksand!!!


Joey Polanski said...

Yeah ... quicksand! ... wif, like, maybe a shark innit!

Cocovan said...

I'm tired today, Do you think we could slow the sand down a little?

simple said...

Quicksand in the 60's was different stuff. Global warming and pollution have changed the consistency of quicksand to something you can get out of. Just take a look at archival footage of the reality show of the 60's-Gilligan's Island. Frightening stuff. Good thing they had vines around for safe removal. Oh, I shudder at the frightful memories.

Anonymous said...

And those of us who came up in the 70s can combine our nostalgia with David Bowie...