Monday, March 19, 2007

The Gang's All Decapitated

I won't try too hard to distance myself from the fact that there are two films of the musical genre that I can actually watch, being that I'm just that secure with my masculinity. They are "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Gang's All Here". The latter film, by far the most bizarre, is noteworthy because it has a finale segment sung by various disembodied heads.

The movie is bookended by heads singing over a neutral background. This floating head sings a stirring rendition of "Brazil" in the open of The Gang's All Here.

proto cool: slouchy & stoned benny goodman

better hide, 'cause he's a shark that can't go in reverse

a journey into edward everett horton's nostril

the gang's a colony of bacterium under a microscope

The Gang's all Here not only features songs sung by disembodied heads but also features a child's hand that glides off the wrist and morphs into an electric parade float.

the lovely severed paw

a procession of women from venus proceed to remove the neon hoops from the giant sleeve (above) and rotate 'em around in unison. yes, we've seen it all a million times. it's a technicolor fever dream for the entire family.

What I like about this whole spectacle is that it all happens gloriously for no apparent reason other than to freak you out. This film, directed by Busby Berkeley in the early 40's, delivers a bold style that pushes into the Avant-garde but I don't think most people even know it exists --although they DO subconsciously , because it features the famous number with Carmen Miranda and her damn hat o'fruit.

finally, everything makes sense!


Joey Polanski said...

Speakin of detachd heads, whats THIS all about?

Geritopia said...

That one defies any rational explaination. Please tell me that Shemp has shoulders and a lower torso.

Anonymous said...

Don't you know anything? He's Canadian. They all that way.

Joey Polanski said...

Th more pressin question raisd by this post is Hows come them BEAHAN KIDS nevr made it in motion pitchrs?

bugthecat said...

Hey lay off the Canadians. We are sensitive about our disembodied heads or as we say the torsoally impaired.

Anonymous said...

yes, very trendy.